Hallogreen 🧡🎃

Hallogreen 🧡🎃

This document (together with all the documents mentioned in it) establishes the conditions for which the use of this website is governed (www.genuins.com) and the purchase of products in it (hereinafter "the conditions"). We beg you to read these conditions, our cookies policy and our privacy policy (together, the "data protection policies") before using this website. When using this website or make an order through the same you Data protection, you should not use this website.

These conditions could be modified. It is their responsibility to read them periodically, since those that are in force at the time of orders or in the absence of these will be applicable, at the time of use of the website they will be the ones that are applicable.

If you have any questions related to data protection conditions or policies you can contact us through contact@genuins.com

1. Legal notice

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identifying data of the website holder are presented: GNS Factory S.L. (onwards "genuins”), C/ Juan de la Cierva, 64. Elche Empresarial Park. 03203 Elche (Alicante). Contact: CIF. B5474422. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, volume 3729, sheet A-137299, folio 19, registration 1st, and as official distributor GENUINS SALES S.L. with CIF: B10737922

2 website object

The object of the website is to make available to the user a platform to make known and, where appropriate, hire our footwear and accessories products.

In this sense, the user will be able to know and, where appropriate, buy or hire the products offered by genuins.

From the moment the user uses and accesses this website, the user status is attributed. The use or access to this website implies the knowledge and full acceptance of these general conditions and which, at any time, can establish genuins. Consequently, the responsibility of any visitor or user will be the attentive reading of the general conditions of use and purchase in force on each of the occasions in which it access this website.

In the event that the user is not satisfied with any or all of the following terms, he must refrain from accessing the website and/or to use the available content and/or services.

In any case, the user through access accepts the general conditions of the contract.

3 Purchase of products

3.1. How to buy products

To make product orders, you must follow the purchase procedure established on the website, read and accept these conditions of use and select “Finish and pay” (the “order”). Behind this, genuins He will send an email confirming that the order has been accepted (the “order confirmation”). We will also inform you by email that the product is being sent (the "shipping confirmation").

3.2. Product availability

All orders are subject to the availability of products. In the event that, once the shipping confirmation is sent, genuins He could not dispose of the product requested by any circumstance, he will contact the user as soon as possible communicating such a fact. In that case, genuins may:

  1. Offer the user, without price increase, a product of characteristics and specifications similar to that of the initially requested, as long as they are consistent with the user's needs; I
  2. Offer the user to leave the requested order without effect by reintegrating the amount paid for it, within (14) business days.

3.3. Negative to process an order

Although genuins He will do everything possible to always process all orders, there may be exceptional circumstances that force him to reject the processing of an order after having sent the confirmation of the order, so genuins He reserves the right to do so at any time, to his entire discretion.

genuins reserves the right to withdraw any product from the website at any time and to remove or modify any material or content thereof, not being responsible in front of the user or in front of any third party due to the fact of removing any product from the website, regardless whether this product has been sold or not, to remove or modify any material or content of the website.

3.4. Delivery of products

Without prejudice to the provisions of clause 3.2 above and unless extraordinary circumstances occur, once the shipping confirmation is sent, the products will be delivered in the address indicated by the user when placing the order, within the approximate period of between one and seven (1-3) working days since they leave the warehouse of genuins. genuins It does not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product does not be carried out within the period indicated above as a result of the fact that the data provided by the user being false, inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be made due to fortuitous causes or alien to us or the Shipping company, assigned for this purpose, such as user's absence or product retention in customs.

3.5. Impossibility of delivery

If we find it impossible to make the delivery, we will try to find a safe place to leave the package. If we cannot find a safe place, its product/s will be returned to our warehouse. We will leave you a note explaining where your package is located and how to make it sent again. If you are not going to be in the place of delivery at the agreed time, we beg you to contact us to agree on delivery in another day.

Please keep in mind that the storage and new shipment of your product/s can have an additional cost.

3.6. Risk and property transmission

The risks of the products will be in charge of the moment of delivery.

You will acquire the property of the products when we receive the full payment of all the amounts due in relation to them, including shipping costs, or at the time of delivery according to clause 3.4 above.

3.7. Price and payment

The prices applicable to each product will be those published on the website on the date on which the user makes the order. Despite genuins Try to ensure that all prices that appear on the website are correct, errors can occur. In this case genuins He will inform the user as soon as possible from the error and give him the option to reconfirm the order at the right price or cancel it. Yeah genuins It fails to contact the user, the order will be considered canceled and the user will be reimbursed entirely the amounts that he would have paid.

genuins It will not be obliged to provide the user with any product at the incorrect lower price (even if the shipping confirmation has been sent) if the error in the price is obvious and unequivocal and could have been recognized reasonably by the user as an incorrect price.

Prices can change at any time. However, possible changes will not affect orders with respect to those who genuins You have already sent order confirmation.

The user may make the payment through credit or debit cards Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express or by PayPal. To minimize the unauthorized access risk, the user credit card data will be coded. Whether the payment method is made by credit or debit card or through PayPal, the position will be made at the time when genuins Send the confirmation of the order to the user.

In accordance with the provisions of article 68 of Law 37/1992, of December 28, of the Value Added Tax, the delivery of the articles shall be understood located in the Spanish VAT application territory if the delivery address is In Spanish territory except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. The applicable type of VAT will be legally in force at all times depending on the specific article in question.

In orders to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, the deliveries will be exempt from VAT by application of the provisions of article 21 of Law 37/1992, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding taxes and tariffs in accordance with current regulations in each of these territories.

To shipments with national export to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. Dua, IGIC, IPSI

genuins It offers the client orientative information of shipments to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

Shipments with the previous locations will be made through the SEUR company, or by mails.


Upon the arrival of the packages to destination, the customs authority has an import dua, from which we can offer information only by guidance.

  • In Melilla, there is no import dua.
  • In Ceuta, it has a fixed amount of € 14.
  • In the Canary Islands, it depends on the amount indicated by the invoice:

- If the purchase is less than € 22, the import dua entails an amount of € 6.60.

- If the purchase is € 22 or more, the import dua entails € 13.74. C) IGIC, IPSI

In addition to the DUA, there are local or regional taxes that may suppose an additional lien in your order. We also offer this orientation information.

  • In Ceuta and Melilla, IPSI (production tax, services and importation) applies and the applied type is 10 % on the value of the items.
  • In the Canary Islands the IGIC (Canarian indirect general tax) is applied and the applied type depends on the value of the merchandise declared in invoice:

- If the purchase is less than € 22, it is exempt from IGIC.

- If the purchase is € 22 or more, the IGIC taxes 7% of the value declared in invoice.

In all orders to the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla, we attach the purchase invoice to the package with the purpose of customs inspection. It is a legal obligation and the invoice will always appear the full value of the merchandise sent.

You expressly authorize us to issue the invoice in electronic support, although you can indicate at any time your will to receive an invoice in paper support, in which case, we will issue and send the invoice in said format.

4 Returns Policy

4.1. Legal right to give up purchase

To the right of withdrawal

It has up to 15 days After receiving your order to change it for another size, model or request your return.

* The return of the amount in purchases made during thegenuins Day, They will be in exchange for product or on gift card.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us to genuins, to the address, Elche (Alicante), Juan de la Cierva, number 64, Elche Industrial Park C.P. 03203, or writing to email contact@genuins.com, your decision to withdraw from the contract through an unequivocal declaration (for example, a letter sent by postal or electronic mail).

To fulfill the period of withdrawal, it is enough that the communication relative to the exercise for its part of this right is sent before the corresponding deadline, 15 days from its delivery.

B Consequences of withdrawal

The refund will be made within a period of 1 and 15 working days Since we received your return in our stores and verify the status of the items returned. Remember that the subscription will be made in thesame payment method used in the purchase. Shipping costs will not be returned.

Except for the return of the goods personally in our warehouse, you must assume the direct cost of return of the goods, being able to use the messenger that suits you. LAnd we recommend that you hire a shipping service with monitoring the package, since we do not be responsible for any article that does not reach our offices.

*Deadline for changes and returns: 15 days from the delivery of the order.

*Only the amount of the product will be returned, not of the shipping costs.

* The return of the amount in purchases made during the campaign genuins Day will be in exchange for product or on gift card.

4.2.Devolution or replacement of defective products

In the case in which you consider that at the time of delivery the product does not conform to what is stipulated in the contract, you must contact genuins Immediately through our email to the contact address contact@genuins.com facilitating product data, as well as informing the defect/damage indicating whether it opts for the return or replacement by an identical product.

Once we have the assessment of the product, it will be communicated by email if you are entitled to reimbursement of the amounts paid or change for another article equal or similar characteristics.

If you have any questions, you can contact us through contact@genuins.com

In the event that the return or replacement proceeds, genuins the price of the product including shipping costs will be fully reimbursed to the user. If the user has opted for replacement, genuins It will run with all shipping costs.

In the case of product substitutions for changes with price difference, if it is a product that is requested for the change, it has a higher price than the original order, the customer must pay the difference. In the event that the product has a lower value than the original order, the difference will be made by means of a custom customer code, which will be valid from one year from the date it is generated.

4.3. Provisions common to returns

The user must meet the following requirements to make use of the right of withdrawal, as well as to be able to make returns and product substitutions:

For this, the user must previously contact genuins sending an email to the contact address contact@genuins.com;

II The user may prove the exercise of the right of withdrawal in any form admitted in law, considering in any case validly exercised by returning the product;

III. The product must be returned under the same conditions as in which it was received. genuins It will not reimburse any amount if the product has suffered any damage, so the user must be careful with the product while in possession.

IV. The refund will be made in the same means of payment that the user used to pay the product.

*Deadline for changes and returns: 15 days from the delivery of the order.

*In the period of sales and promotions only the amount of the product will be returned, not of the shipping costs.

* The return of the amount in purchases made during the genuins Day will be in exchange for product or on gift card.

5 Use of the Website

Users undertake to use the website in accordance with the law, morals, good customs generally accepted and the current public order. Users are obliged to refrain from using the website for illicit purposes or effects, contrary to the provisions of these conditions of use, harmful to the rights and interests of genuins or third parties or that can in any way damage, or deteriorate the image or reputation of genuins or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the products and services offered by genuins on the website.

6 Industrial and intellectual property

You recognize and consent that everything Copyright, registered trademark and other industrial and intellectual property rights over the materials or content that are provided as part of the website correspond to us or who granted us a license for their use. You can use said material only in the way in which we expressly authorize it or who granted us a license for its use. This will not prevent you from using this website to the necessary extent to copy the information about your order or contact data.

7 viruses, piracy and other computer attacks

You should not make an improper use of this website through the intention of intentionally in the same virus, Trojans, worms, logical bombs or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material. You will not try to have unauthorized access to this website, to the server on which said page is housed or to any server, computer or database related to our website. You undertake not to attack this website through an attack of denial of service or an attack of denial of distributed service.

Failure to comply with this clause could lead to the commission of infractions typified by the applicable regulations. We will inform any breach of said regulations to the competent authorities and cooperate with them to discover the identity of the attacker. Likewise, in case of breach of this clause, it will immediately stop being authorized to use this website.

We will not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from an attack of denial of service, viruses or any other technologically harmful or harmful material that may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of the use of this website or of the discharge of contents of the same or to which the same redirect.

8 links to third -party websites

The links contained on the website, referred to advertising or other content, and whose ownership or responsibility corresponds to third parties other than genuinsThey are not the responsibility of genuins, who in no case is obliged to control or approve the services, contents, data, files, products and any kind of material existing on the third -party web page or pages. Therefore, we do not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss derived from its use.

9 Responsibility and exemption of responsibility

Unless expressly available in these conditions, our responsibility in relation to any product acquired on our website will be strictly limited to the purchase price of said product.

However, and except legal provision in the opposite direction, we will not accept any responsibility for the following losses, regardless of its origin:

- Income or sales losses

- Business loss

- Floor loss or loss of contract

- Loss of savings planned

- Loss of data, and

- Loss of management time or office schedule

Due to the open nature of this website and the possibility of errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, we do not guarantee the accuracy and safety of the information transmitted or obtained by means of this website unless it is established expressly otherwise in it.


genuins You have the right to review and modify at any time these conditions of use. The user will be subject to them at the time you accept them, unless by law or decision of government agencies genuins You must make retroactive changes, in which case the possible changes will also affect the orders that the user would have previously requested.

1 contact and written communications

Applicable regulations require that part of the information or communications that genuins Send the user in writing. By accepting these conditions of use, the user accepts that most communications with genuins be electronic. genuins You will contact the user via email or hang notices on the website. The user consents to using this electronic media of communication and recognizes that all notification, information and other communications that genuins Send you electronically meet the legal requirements of being in writing.

For any consultation or incidence related to orders, the user must contact genuins sending an email to the next contact address@genuins.com.

2 transfer of rights and obligations

The contract is binding both for you and us, as well as for our respective successors, assignees and beneficiaries.

You cannot convey, yield, tax or in any other way transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations derived from it, without having obtained our prior written consent.

We can transmit, yield, tax, subcontract or in any other way to transfer a contract or any of the rights or obligations derived from it, at any time during its validity. To avoid any questions, these transmissions, assignments, taxes or other transfers will not affect the rights that, where appropriate, you, as a consumer, have recognized by law or cancel, reduce or limit in any other way the guarantees, both express and tacit , that we could have granted him.

3 events outside our control

We will not be responsible for any breach or delay in compliance with any of the obligations assumed, when it is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control ("cause of force majeure").

The causes of force majeure will include any act, event, lack of exercise, omission or accident that is beyond our reasonable control and among others, the following:

I strikes, employer closures or other claiming measures.

II Civil shock, revolt, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not) or threat or war preparations.

III fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, sinking, epidemic or any other natural disaster.

IV Impossibility of use of trains, ships, airplanes, motor transport or other transport media, public or private.

Inability to use public or private telecommunication systems. SAW. Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government or public authority.

It will be understood that the obligations will be suspended during the period in which the cause of force majeure continues, and we will have an extension within the deadline to fulfill these obligations for a period of time equal to the one that the cause of force majeure lasts. We will put all reasonable means to end the cause of force majeure or to find a solution that allows us to fulfill our obligations despite the cause of force majeure.

4 Jurisdiction and applicable law

The use of our website and the purchase contracts of products through said website will be governed by Spanish legislation.

Any controversy that arises or is related to the use of the website or with said contracts will be submitted to the courts and courts of the user's home.

In the event that the user had their domicile outside the Spanish territory, the company and the user submit, expressly renouncing the jurisdiction that could correspond, to the courts and courts of Madrid (Spain).